Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy, Psychedelics & Therapy

Ketamine has a myriad of associations and uses, to some ketamine is a party drug, a horse tranquilizer, and/or an anesthetic in hospital settings. Research and studies have been conducted proving that while ketamine can certainly be used in the above-mentioned contexts, it is also a powerful psychedelic that can be used in the context of healing. Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is a holistic modality in which ketamine is used as a complement to therapy to support eligible clients to experience more frequent breakthroughs and sustained improvement in symptoms.

Psychedelic translates to “mind manifesting”, and as Stanislav Grof put it, “[psychedelics are] a nonspecific amplifier of the unconscious process.” Psychedelic-assisted therapies have been increasing in popularity over the last few decades, many have been proven to provide relief and healing to folks with depression, anxiety, PTSD, suicidality, OCD, and chronic pain.

Ketamine is a safe, FDA-approved medicine and is currently the only legal psychedelic to be administered for therapy. In addition to the psychedelic and mind-expanding effects of ketamine, it is also a rapidly acting anti-depressant and has a robust anti-suicide effect. Folks who are participating in Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy receive the benefits of the medicine as well as the benefits of how to change their lives and how to look at things differently with the aid of this medicine.

When we have experienced chronic stress and/or traumatic experiences, our brains and cognition can become inflexible. Following a traumatic experience(s), we often have stuck ways of viewing ourselves or the world around us and over time, this can erode our resilience to break out of these belief systems or patterns. This can show up as low self-esteem, chronic pain, social anxiety, not being able to communicate boundaries effectively in relationships, and so much more. 

When used in the context of KAP, ketamine enhances neuroplasticity. This means that KAP increases our brain’s capacity and flexibility to see ourselves, others, and the world in a new way. 

In the coming weeks, I will be sharing more about ketamine and my work with KAP. Do you have any experiences with psychedelics that have helped you to see yourself or the world in a new way that you would like to share? Do you have specific questions about ketamine or KAP? Feel free to comment below or email me at   You can also learn more about my work with KAP here.

Five Things:

  • I am currently living in Western North Carolina, the weather has taken a turn towards Fall this week. Last night, I went to watch a friend and other strangers read poetry they had written and found myself wearing a jacket for the first time in months. I am not quite ready to let go of summer yet and will be squeezing in as much swimming and sunning time as possible before this season ends.

  • Listening to this episode of a podcast I love called “Quitted” - in this episode Mar Grace explores their relationship with quitting. They have quit drinking, past romantic relationships, the gender binary, and more. I enjoyed this conversation and reflecting on my own relationship with quitting/not quitting.

  • Mushrooms have been popping up everywhere here in WNC! I have been enjoying learning more about identifying mushrooms and even cooking up some that are edible.

  • I went on a run in my neighborhood yesterday morning because the humidity was tolerable and the sun was hidden behind the trees. I ran one mile without stopping, which part of me was proud of but my perfectionist part immediately chimed in saying that I used to be able to run so much faster, longer, etc., etc. Something a sweet friend asked me really helped to melt that away, “Yeah, it’s really hard not to compare current self to past self. BUT, what about how you feel in your body now?”

    And the answer was, that I just motivated myself to do something I have been avoiding for a while, I feel energized, and I got to spend time outside - I feel pretty great in my body right now! So I am appreciating that reminder and trying to be proud of present me and the things I am doing to take care of myself.

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